59 Base fonts for Substance Painter.
Latin and Cyrillic are supported.
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The copyrights to the fonts used belong to their creators. All fonts are distributed with Microsoft Windows OS.
Fonts should already be installed on your computer along with Windows OS.
You can configure the following parameters:
- Font - One of 59 available fonts
- Type - Regular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic (Where it is supported)
- Text - Enter your text
- Font Size
- Fast Transformation Angle - 0,90,180,270
- Symmetry - none, X, Y, X+Y
- Tile
- Invert mask
- Transformation
- Stoke text
- Shadow of the text
Another product of mine with fonts for Substance Painter: Stencil Fonts Tool for Substance Painter
Supported Version:
Substance Designer 11.3.3
Substance Painter 2018 and later (I haven't tested older versions, but most likely it will also work.)
Full list of supported fonts:
- Arial
- Arial Black
- Bahnschrift
- Calibri Light
- Calibri
- Cambria
- Cambria Math
- Candara
- Comic Sans MS
- Consolas
- Constantia
- Corbel
- Courier New
- Ebrima
- Franklin Gothic Medium
- Gabriola
- Gadugi
- Georgia
- Impact
- Ink Free
- Javanese Text
- Leelawadee UI
- Lucida Console
- Lucida Sans Unicode
- Malgun Gothic
- Microsoft Himalaya
- Microsoft JhengHei
- Microsoft New Tai Lue
- Microsoft PhagsPa
- Microsoft Sans Serif
- Microsoft Tai Le
- Microsoft YaHei
- Microsoft Yi Baiti
- MingLiU-ExtB
- Mongolian Baiti
- MS Gothic
- MV Boli
- Myanmar Text
- Nirmala UI
- Palatino Linotype
- Segoe Print
- Segoe Script
- Segoe UI
- Segoe UI Emoji
- Segoe UI Symbol
- SimSun
- Sitka Text
- Sylfaen
- Tahoma
- Times New Roman
- Trebuchet MS
- Verdana
- Yu Gothic
- Yu Gothic Light
- Yu Gothic Medium
- Yu Gothic UI
- Yu Gothic UI Light
- Yu Gothic UI Semibold
- Yu Gothic UI Semilight
What else am I working on: ArtStation Vladimir Seleznev; Instagram abandonedworld_cg